Introduction to Week 5

You might be wondering why we waited this long to start looking at, you know, schools, and looking in depth in the website, and looking at the programs and the courses and all of that.

You might be wondering why we waited this long to start looking at, you know, schools, and looking in depth in the website, and looking at the programs and the courses and all of that. That is really important stuff. But it doesn't matter if you have this great school and great program, if you're not qualified to apply there. It doesn't matter if there's this great school and program, if it's out of your budget. It doesn't matter if there's this great school or program, if it's not aligned with certain dealbreakers you have about where you go to school and where you live. 

So that's why we waited until now. We took this, this concrete information about your dealbreakers. I mean, true dealbreakers, to narrow down the list so that now with this list that does meet your interests, your budget, your qualifications, your location dealbreakers, now with this much more manageable list, you can start to dig deep into these different areas. 

And that's what we're going to do. We're going to look at educational experiences, we're going to look at resources for international students and students in general, we're going to look at student life, we're going to look at the courses and each program to see if the actual content of that program really does appeal to you. And the outcomes. You know, whether it's graduate school or careers, whether those things are aligned with what you're looking for. 

So at the end of this lesson, you're going to have your own Best Fit List. You know, a list of about three programs that you are ready to apply to. And also, maybe a couple more that you need to learn a little bit more about in order to decide. It's a really exciting step, so let's get started.