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Access a powerful database of 12,600 English-taught programs, plus online courses to help you master the program selection & college admissions process. Apply geographic, tuition, & area of study filters that reveal ideal matches, instantly.

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Everything in Explorer, plus
Professionally-Researched Best Fit List
Personality, Geographic, Budget Matching
Receive 3-5 Ideal College Programs
Best Fit List Curation Call
College Selection Study Guide
Program Discovery Courses
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The program selection & admissions process can be time-consuming, stressful & complex. For students & parents seeking tailored services, this package eases you through the entire process, helping you avoid the dreaded rejection letter, guaranteed.

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Everything in Explorer, plus
Lifetime Access
Professionally-Researched Best Fit List
Personality, Geographic, Budget Matching
Receive 3-5 Ideal College Programs
Introduction Interview
Best Fit List Curation Call
Admissions/App Support Call
Program Discovery Courses
College Admissions Courses
Masterclass Access
Private Facebook Group Access
Community Forum Q&A
Motivation Letter Review
Email Support (12 months)
Call With Student in Europe
College Beyond The States Book
Step-by-Step International Checklist
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Programs you won’t find anywhere else….

With Beyond the States, you get access to 11,600+ European bachelor’s & master’s programs across 870 universities, 550 cities, and 212 areas of study, plus all the resources you need to get there.

Learn everything you need to know before you go!

Take our included courses that help you easily master the program selection and college admissions process.

What’s your favorite?

Learn more about it, discuss it with other students and parents, and dig into the city and country details.

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With your ideal program shortlisted, simply meet the requirements and you’re in. No more arbitrary admissions to worry about.

With Beyond the States, you’re family.

Discover the Affordable Path to World-Class Education

Everything you need to go abroad, is here!

Discover all the English-taught European college programs in one place.

Beyond the States provides easy access to 11,600+ European bachelor’s and master’s programs across 870 universities, 550 cities, and 212 areas of study, plus all the resources you need to get there. No sponsorships. No bias.


English-taught bachelor’s programs in our database.


Beautiful European cities to choose from.


Typical savings against a private university in the US.


English-taught master’s programs in our database.


Top-tier universities accepting international students.


Typical savings against in-state tuition in the US.