
Quiz: What Should I Major In?

Find Your Perfect College Major Easily

Choosing a college major is one of the pivotal decisions in a student’s educational journey, often influencing their career path and future opportunities. While some students have a clear vision of their interests and career goals, many find themselves uncertain about which academic direction aligns best with their talents and aspirations. In response to this common dilemma, we’ve created a “what should I major in” quiz as a helpful tool you can use. Quizzes like ours are designed to evaluate your personal preferences, strengths, and interests, providing tailored suggestions that resonate with your potential and goals.

Our major quiz approaches the major selection process by asking a series of questions about your academic preferences, values, and skills. We incorporate factors such as enjoyment of certain types of tasks, desired work environment, and long-term career ambitions. While no quiz can guarantee a perfect outcome, ours serves as a valuable starting point for reflection and research, encouraging students to consider a range of disciplines they might not have previously explored. Additionally, quizzes can prompt students to seek out further college resources and support, and they adapt an academic path that feels true to their growing professional identity.

Key Takeaways

  • Quizzes guide students through the major selection process using personalized questions.
  • They encourage exploration of diverse disciplines and self-reflection on future goals.
  • These tools are a starting point for using college resources to refine academic choices.

Understanding the Importance of Choosing a Major

Choosing the right college major is a pivotal decision in a student’s educational journey, as it sets the foundation for their future career path and aligns with their individual interests, personality, and talents.

Aligning Interests with Major Selection

Students must identify their interests and find a major that aligns with what they are passionate about. They should consider taking a What Should I Major In? quiz to help illuminate areas of study that resonate with their personal preferences. An alignment between a student’s interests and chosen major contributes significantly to their academic motivation and overall satisfaction with their college experience.

Considering Career Goals

The choice of a major is directly tied to one’s career aspirations. A major acts as a stepping stone to entering a desired industry or profession. For instance, a student aiming for financial independence might consider majors leading to high-paying jobs, such as biomedical engineering or animal science. It’s crucial for students to research and understand the career outcomes of various majors.

The Role of Personality and Talents in Major Choice

Personality traits and innate talents play a significant role in determining the most suitable major. Creative individuals might gravitate toward majors that offer expression and freedom, such as visual arts or music. Those with analytical minds might excel in fields like math or computer science. Encouraging students to understand their personality through a focused quiz can help them select a major that complements their inherent skills and predispositions.

Exploring Different Fields of Study

Deciding on a major can define one’s career path and interests. Various fields of study cater to distinct aptitudes and career objectives, ranging from creative arts to analytical science disciplines.

Arts and Humanities

Arts and Humanities focus on the creative and cultural aspects of human experience. Students interested in art and design might pursue majors in fine arts, graphic design, or art history. Humanities include disciplines like literature, philosophy, and languages, appealing to those who appreciate critical thinking and cultural exploration.

Science and Engineering

Majors in Science often lead to careers in research, healthcare, or environmental science. Disciplines like biology, chemistry, and physics are intrinsic to the scientific pursuit of understanding natural phenomena. Engineering fields such as mechanical, civil, or electrical engineering involve applying scientific principles to design and build structures, systems, or devices.

Business and Finance

The business sector appeals to individuals with a keen interest in the inner workings of companies and markets. Majors like business administration or marketing prepare students for the corporate world. Finance majors dive into the complexities of financial planning, economics, and investment management, providing a pathway to careers in banking or financial analysis.

Social Sciences and Law

Social Sciences encompass areas like psychology, sociology, and anthropology, offering insights into societal issues and human behavior. Those drawn to understanding and influencing societal systems may be interested in politics or social sciences. Students aspiring to careers in legal services or justice systems might major in law, studying the rules that govern society and learning how to interpret and apply them.

Taking the Quiz to Determine Your Major

When individuals are uncertain about which academic path to embark upon, a college major quiz can be a significant tool. These quizzes are formulated to assess a person’s interests, skills, and personality, which are intrinsic factors that can influence their ideal field of study.

The process begins with a series of questions that inquire about one’s preferences in various scenarios, learning styles, and subjects that capture their attention. Interests are key to maintaining motivation in one’s academic journey, hence the quiz may present different fields to gauge where a student’s passions lie.

Skills are equally scrutinized, highlighting both strengths and potential areas of growth. Some quizzes may present hypothetical problems or tasks and ask how the individual would approach them, providing insight into their problem-solving abilities and intellectual inclinations.

Furthermore, personality assessments within the quizzes can reveal how one’s traits mesh with respective majors. For example, someone with an analytical mind might excel in scientific or technical disciplines, while a creative thinker could find their calling in the arts or humanities.

These quizzes may not be a definitive decision-maker, but they can certainly pinpoint directions for further exploration. Here are a few resources where one can take a quiz to start this exploration:

By taking the time to complete a quiz designed to align one’s personal attributes with academic disciplines, students can make an informed choice about which major will align best with their values and aspirations.

Practical Considerations in Major Selection

Choosing a college major is a decision that can significantly influence one’s economic stability and career satisfaction. Students need to assess various factors such as potential earnings, market demand, and the level and duration of education required.

Economic Factors and Income Potential

The potential for future earnings is a critical consideration when selecting a major. Certain fields, like biomedical engineering, typically offer higher starting salaries upon graduation. As students investigate the starting salaries for different majors, they should align their choice with financial goals, whether that is achieving financial independence or having a stable source of income.

Industry Demand and Job Flexibility

Majors that align with industries experiencing growth may offer more job opportunities and flexibility. For instance, technology and healthcare sectors often require professionals that can adapt to rapid changes, suggesting that majors in these areas may provide more flexibility in job choices and career paths.

Education Path and Required Commitment

The education required for a chosen field is another important consideration. Some professions demand extensive postgraduate education, which can be both time-consuming and expensive. Aspiring doctors, for example, must be prepared for many years of education beyond a bachelor’s degree, while other careers may necessitate less formal education but potentially more on-the-job training or certifications.

Navigating College Resources and Support

When choosing a college major, students must take full advantage of the resources and support systems available to them. Academic advisors and experiential learning opportunities like internships play crucial roles in informing this decision.

Utilizing Academic Advisors

Academic advisors are pivotal in guiding students through the complexities of college curricula. They help in identifying the majors that align with a student’s interests and career aspirations. Students should schedule regular meetings with advisors to ensure they are on track with their academic plans and to discuss potential majors.

The Importance of Internships and Practical Experience

Securing internships is another key strategy for students exploring different majors. Internships provide hands-on experience and a taste of what working in a particular field may be like. They can help students make informed decisions about their majors based on real-world application rather than theoretical knowledge alone.

Adjusting Your Academic Path

Making an informed decision about one’s college major can significantly impact future academic and career success. This section provides guidance on when and how to navigate changes in one’s academic trajectory.

When to Consider Changing Your Major

Students may contemplate changing majors if their current field of study no longer aligns with evolving interests or career goals. It’s essential to consider this change before reaching the institutions’ credit limits for degree completion. They should consult academic advisors to understand the implications for graduation timelines and financial aid.

Planning Your Course Schedule Around Majors

Once a student decides to declare a major, they must strategically plan their course schedule to meet the requirements of the new major without delaying graduation. It is advisable to intersperse major-specific courses with general education requirements to obtain a balanced schedule each semester. This approach facilitates a smoother transition and ensures that students remain on track to fulfill their college degree objectives.


Choosing a major is a pivotal decision in a student’s academic career, offering a multitude of choices and possibilities. Through careful consideration and self-assessment, quizzes provide valuable insights into one’s strengths and interests. They underline the compatibility between a student’s aspirations and the academic paths available.

  • Self-reflection: Quizzes can prompt reflection on personal and professional goals.
  • Alignment: They assist in aligning a student’s interests with potential majors.

The process of selecting a major should involve an integration of personal introspection and the practical information provided by such quizzes. Students are encouraged to use the insights as a guide rather than an absolute directive. It is essential for a student to:

  1. Acknowledge their primary interests and abilities.
  2. Consider the implications of their choice on future career options.
  3. Reflect on how a major aligns with their long-term aspirations.

It’s also imperative to remember that a major is not a finite commitment; educational paths can adapt and evolve as students gain further knowledge and experience. Whether a student is drawn to the arts, sciences, or humanities, the essential aspect is to embark on a journey of education that compliments both their passion and potential career opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Choosing the right college major is a significant step toward a successful career path, and it can be overwhelming. The following questions are designed to assist students in navigating their options and making an informed decision.

How can I identify the college major that aligns with my interests and goals?

Students should reflect on their passions, strengths, and long-term objectives to pinpoint a major that resonates with them. Tools such as the US News College Majors Quiz offer tailored assessments to match their unique skills with suitable majors and careers.

What resources are available to help me decide on the best major for my future career?

Various online quizzes and guidance tools are available to assist in this decision. For instance, Educations.com provides a quiz that considers personality traits and preferences to suggest appropriate university majors.

Which majors are most adaptable to the evolving job market?

Majors in fields like Math/Stats/Computer Science are known for their flexibility; they often lead to opportunities in numerous industries due to the demand for analytical and computational skills.

What are the key factors to consider when selecting a major in college?

Factors such as job prospects, earning potential, personal interest, and alignment with academic strengths are crucial. Students should also consider the nature of the coursework and the opportunities for internships or real-world experience.

How can high school students accurately assess potential college majors?

High school students should explore their interests through electives, extracurriculars, and discussions with counselors. Resources like the UC Davis College Major Quiz can help students connect their passions with potential college majors.

What are the benefits of taking a college major quiz, and how can it guide my decision-making process?

Taking a college major quiz, like the one provided by The Forage, gives insights into how a student’s personality traits and strengths correlate with different fields of study, ultimately guiding them towards an informed choice.

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