Your passport to a world of possibilities

We’re here to help you study abroad and see the world. We believe that education is not limited by borders, and we’re passionate about helping students expand their horizons and gain a global perspective.

Jenn Viemont’s Legacy Lives On

While our founder Jenn is no longer with us, her legacy continues to inspire our team. She built a company that is passionate about helping students explore the world and gain a global perspective. Her vision for Beyond the States is still alive and well, and we are committed to continuing her work.

Beyond The States

Our Mission

We are driven to empower students to unlock their full potential by pursuing higher education experiences beyond their borders. Our goal is to demystify the process of studying abroad and provide you with the knowledge, resources, and support needed to embark on this life-changing adventure.

Kristin Hamaker

Director of College Programs
Kristin’s journey with Beyond the States was sparked many years ago by her own curiosity as a parent exploring college-abroad options for her young daughter. Given she gained one of her degrees in Europe many years ago – which had a profound impact on her own life and work – she has been dedicated to extending these opportunities to others. Kristin came on board with Beyond the States, after a long career as an entrepreneur and educator, and played numerous roles in the company, but eventually trained under BTS Founder Emeritus, Jenn Viemont. Now, she applies her expertise and warmth in supporting families at every stage of their education-abroad journeys. When she’s not in the office, you’ll find Kristin hiking local trails, reading nonfiction, cooking, dreaming of travel, and just lounging with her family in St Paul, Minnesota.

Jaime Dooley

College Advisor
Jaimee has firsthand experience living and studying in Europe, combined with her friendly demeanor, she’s here to expertly guide you through every step of the process. Armed with a Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics, a Certificate in Management, and four years of hands-on experience in facilitating student journeys abroad, Jaimee plays an integral role in our team. Hailing from Montreal, Canada, and now residing in Europe, she has a passion for travel and immersing herself in diverse cultures. In her spare time, you may find her hiking, training at the boxing gym, or taking on a Spartan race in a new and exciting location!

Welcome to the great escape!

At Beyond the States, we believe that higher education is a right, not a privilege. That’s why we have dedicated ourselves to helping students pack their bags and study in Europe, where higher education is more accessible, enjoyable, and affordable for everyone, including English speakers.


James Edge

With a boundless passion for helping students he’s the go-to guru for academic success and global exploration. He’s been helping students from around the world for the past 10 years and when he’s not busy transforming study sessions into epic victories, you’ll find him jet-setting to new destinations, fueling his wanderlust, and immersing himself in the vibrant tapestry of cultures worldwide. Get ready to ace your exams and catch the travel bug with James – he’s your ticket to academic triumph and worldly adventures!


Chrissia Peregrino
Customer Success

Chrissia is always ready to tackle your questions and expertly manage our daily admin tasks. Chrissia’s approachable demeanor and cheerful disposition perfectly complement her knack for juggling diverse responsibilities, from assisting members and updating our portal to dabbling in graphic design and more. Chrissia cherishes moments with her furry friend, Skye, and in her free time, you’ll find her indulging her passion for freediving—a thrilling pursuit she enjoys separately from her loyal canine companion!

Stefan Mirjanic
Database Manager

Originally from Serbia, Stefan earned a Bachelor’s in Informatics with a Business and Administration specialization in Novi Sad. With over 5 years at BTS, Stefan has worked alongside Jennifer since the start. His role involves meticulously curating accurate school information and ensuring data is presented in an easy to digest manner. Stefan possess in-depth knowledge of schools, programs, and details across Europe. He’s also skilled in video editing, and enjoys motocross, snowboarding, fitness, and sports.

Our Guiding Principles

Help as Many as Possible: Our goal is to grow Beyond the States from a small community to a nationwide force. Perhaps then our leaders will make meaningful change.

Good For People: Student and parents have it hard nowadays. We believe everyone deserves a little empathy, even if it means just lending an ear and listening.

No Sponsorships: We don’t believe in paid placements, so we won’t be promoting any posts based on sponsorships. This is exactly why this isn’t a free platform.

Be Transparent: We will be honest. If we don’t like a program, we’ll tell you why. If we believe you don’t need a service, we’ll stop you from buying it.

We’re experts in degrees abroad.

We’ve helped thousands of students get their degree abroad. It can be daunting but our team is here to help with first hand knowledge of all the ins and outs of the process.

See US In THe PRess

Why Jenn Created
Beyond the States

Like many parents, you may find yourself worrying about college as your oldest prepares to begin high school. You might be concerned about the impact playing the US admissions game could have on them and your family. Teens today often experience sleep deprivation, anxiety, and burnout due to the pressure to build impressive resumes, all in pursuit of getting into a “good” college. You’re likely aware of students who diligently checked all the boxes but still didn’t get into their desired schools. In fact, it’s remarkable how acceptance rates have dropped between 2017-22 at many schools. For example, Boston College went from 32% to 16%, Oberlin College from 33.72% to 9.23%, New York University from 27.66% to 12.20%, and Tulane University from 21.5% to 8.5% in just five years!

Of course, the cost is another major concern. You want your kids to have options beyond those in your home state, but the savings you’ve put away for college may not begin to cover the steep tuition costs of private or out-of-state universities. In recent years, some of the more expensive private universities have been charging $50,000 per year, and now, it’s not unheard of to see prices as high as $75,000 to $100,000!

Back in 2015, these worries about the admissions process and costs, along with concerns about the educational experience and employability on college campuses, were on Jenn’s mind.

Eventually she stumbled upon an article about an American studying for free in Germany, with classes conducted in English! This discovery led to extensive research into educational opportunities in Europe for her own kids.

After a year of visiting European universities, learning about education systems, admissions requirements, and meeting with students and administrators, she realized that more families could benefit from this information. Jenn also discovered the challenge of finding comprehensive, objective information about options in EU countries.

Since then, she had been helping thousands of families and students explore the exciting possibilities in Europe, including her own son.

Just as with any major decision in life, it’s essential to thoroughly explore your options. Many of us conduct extensive research when buying a car, planning a vacation, choosing the best produce, selecting a summer camp, or picking a dog breed. Yet, when it comes to college, many people limit their research to US schools.

Consider dedicating time to delve into these European options, just like many of our members have done. You might discover that the possibilities far exceed your expectations and offer incredible opportunities for you or your teenager. Alternatively, like Jenn’s own daughter, you might thoroughly explore the options and find that a US school better suits your needs. Regardless of the outcome, conducting this research ensures you make an informed decision rather than one you feel pressured into.