All Special Education

One positive development over the last couple of decades has been that psychologists and society at large have altered their opinion of what makes a human being “normal”. People with different abilities, impairments, and ways of processing information are no longer seen as “wrong” or “damaged”. With the proper guidance and support, many of them can one day thrive as happy and productive adults. This is the role of special education teachers.​Like in any teaching degree, special education majors will learn curriculum development and classroom techniques. These, however, are presented in a way that addresses the needs of children with physical, learning, or behavioral difficulties. Future special education teachers will also learn how to identify, understand, and accommodate these, as well as how to be effective advocates for their pupils.​Also like other teaching degrees, a bachelor’s degree in special education typically has at least the equivalent of a semester devoted to supervised teaching in an actual classroom. This is a crucial phase for all new teachers, but especially so for those who plan to follow a career in special education. In some cases, even motivated students find that they’re simply not cut out for this kind of work and have to choose another major.​Note that teaching special education is somewhat unique in that less emphasis is placed on the actual material being taught. Instead, the teacher’s role is more about allowing children with disabilities to become more independent, confident, and at home in social situations.​European teaching degrees, including those specializing in special education, are generally recognized in the United States (as well as being significantly cheaper and often taught in English). Each state’s licensing board has its own criteria, though. If you’re thinking of studying special education abroad, it’s best to contact these directly before choosing a school and booking a plane ticket.