
English Taught Universities in

Study in Denmark: English-Taught Degrees for International Students

Denmark is a well-liked study destination because it has a reputation for having a high quality of life and is frequently named the "happiest country in the world." It is also one of Europe’s safest countries, with high levels of equality and freedom of speech. If that wasn’t enough, the Danes are ranked as the best non-native English speakers in the world!

Situated in Northern Europe, Denmark is a small country with a population of 5.5 million. It is bordered by Germany to the south and is connected by a bridge to Sweden in the east. Although it is part of Scandinavia, the weather does not get quite as cold as its neighbors. In winter, the temperature averages in the 30s, and the shortest day is six hours. By summer, the weather is pleasant with temperatures in the high 60s. If you consider yourself an active person, then Denmark may be of interest. It has the highest number of sports facilities per capita in Europe!

Why Choose Denmark?

High Quality of Life and Happiness

Denmark is renowned for its high quality of life and is often named the "happiest country in the world." With a strong emphasis on equality, freedom of speech, and social welfare, Denmark offers a supportive and enriching environment for students.

Safety and Inclusiveness

Denmark is one of Europe’s safest countries, with a low crime rate and a welcoming attitude towards international students. The country's inclusive society and high levels of equality make it an ideal place for students from all backgrounds.

Excellent English Proficiency

The Danes are ranked as the best non-native English speakers in the world, ensuring that international students can easily communicate and integrate into Danish society.

Education System

International Recognition

Denmark’s education system is internationally recognized for its quality and innovation. The country offers a wide range of programs taught in English, catering to the needs of international students, including those from the US.

Types of Degrees

  • Bachelor's Degree in Denmark Taught in English for International Students: Denmark offers a variety of bachelor's degrees taught in English, specifically designed for international students. These programs provide high-quality education with a focus on practical skills and critical thinking. The affordable tuition fees and numerous scholarships make Denmark an appealing choice for undergraduate studies. Learning Danish can enhance your overall experience, but many programs are available in English.
  • Master's Degree in Denmark Taught in English: For those looking to advance their education, Denmark offers an array of master’s degree programs taught in English. These programs cover a wide range of disciplines and are tailored to meet the needs of international students. Danish universities are known for their research capabilities and innovative teaching methods, making them an excellent choice for postgraduate studies. Students benefit from comprehensive support services, including assistance with housing, visas, and academic guidance.

Non-Hierarchical Learning Environment

Like in other Scandinavian countries, there is a distinct non-hierarchy between teachers and students in Denmark. This fosters an open and collaborative learning environment where students are encouraged to actively participate in discussions and group work.

Real-World Application

While the academic standards are high, there is also an emphasis on acquiring knowledge that is applicable to the real world. Studying in Denmark requires high levels of independence. For every hour of classroom time, you are expected to study for three hours outside of class. You are also expected to actively contribute to classroom discussions, and working in groups is often prioritized.

Student Life


Students can choose from university dormitories or private housing. University accommodation often includes meal plans and is a great way to integrate into student life. Private housing offers more independence and can be a cost-effective option when shared with other students.

Social Activities

Universities in Denmark offer a wide range of clubs, societies, and sports teams. Joining these groups is a great way to make friends, develop new skills, and enjoy a balanced student life. Denmark’s active lifestyle and numerous sports facilities provide plenty of opportunities for physical activities and social engagement.

Support Services

Danish universities provide extensive support services for international students, including academic advising, career services, counseling, and health services. Orientation programs help new students settle in and navigate their new environment.

Work Opportunities

International students in Denmark can often find part-time work opportunities during their studies. This provides valuable work experience and helps with living expenses. Denmark also offers post-study work visas, allowing graduates to stay and work in the country after completing their degree.

Financial Considerations

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees for international students in Denmark are generally lower than in many Western countries. Scholarships, grants, and bursaries are available to help offset the cost, making higher education in Denmark an affordable option.

Living Expenses

The cost of living in Denmark varies depending on the location. Major cities like Copenhagen are typically more expensive than smaller towns. Student discounts and budgeting tips can help manage expenses, making it easier to enjoy the rich cultural and social life Denmark has to offer.


International students are required to have health insurance, which provides access to Denmark’s healthcare system. Many universities offer affordable health insurance plans for their students.

Final Thoughts

Choosing to study in Denmark offers a unique opportunity to receive a high-quality education while experiencing a rich and diverse culture. Whether you are pursuing a bachelor's degree in Denmark taught in English or a master's degree in Denmark taught in English, you will benefit from a supportive academic environment, numerous travel opportunities, and a vibrant student life. Denmark is not just a place to study but a place to grow personally and professionally, offering a rewarding European experience for those willing to embrace its unique culture and lifestyle.