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Sitting on its own in the North Atlantic Ocean is the island nation of Iceland. It is a country like no other, with breathtaking scenery and unique culture. It is also a small nation, with only 331,000 people! Although Iceland is considered part of Europe and has been a member of the European Economic Area since 1994, it is a world away from other European countries. The closest country is Greenland to the west, while Norway is to the east and Scotland to the south. It is also one of the Nordic countries, which includes Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Iceland is known for its unpredictable and variable weather. Summers are pleasant with long days and temperatures in the 40s and 50s, while winters get cold and dark. The average temperatures in the winter are in the 20s, but they can get considerably lower! So if you do decide to study here, choose your clothing wisely. As an island nation with unfertile land, a lot of food and drink is imported. This means food and drink prices are very high and should be taken into account if you choose to study in Iceland. Iceland is a place where you feel at the mercy of the different forces of the natural world. It is a volcanic island; as such, the ground is composed of hardened lava, and volcanoes erupt on a regular basis. Iceland is also a land of water, where you can witness some of the most impressive waterfalls and rivers. It is also famous for its hot springs (geysers), which are spread across the island. The Blue Lagoon spa is a hot spring with worldwide fame; here you can bathe in naturally heated waters—it is a truly unforgettable experience. It is not just the landscape of Iceland that is unique; the people and culture are just as interesting. Even though the population is small, the nation has a renowned music scene with artists such as Bjork and Sigur Ros. The country also leads the way in regard to the environment, with 99% of its electricity being produced from renewable sources such as geothermal energy. Overall, if you are an outdoors person that would like to study in a unique natural setting, then there may be no better place than Iceland.