Why Study at University College Dublin
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Why Study at University College Dublin

Choosing where to study abroad is no easy task, especially when there are numerous prestigious universities worldwide. One top choice for international students is the University College Dublin (UCD), in Ireland’s beautiful capital city. As Ireland’s largest and most diverse university, UCD offers a multitude of factors that make it an excellent choice for those…

Why Study at the University of Copenhagen

Why Study at the University of Copenhagen

The University of Copenhagen is a renowned institution with a rich history and an excellent reputation. Founded in 1479, it has become one of the leading universities in Europe, offering a wide range of study programs and research opportunities for students from around the world. Its prestigious academic heritage, combined with a strong emphasis on…

Best Music Schools Europe Taught in English

Best Music Schools Europe Taught in English

Europe well known as a cultural hub that has produced some of the world’s most iconic musicians, composers, and performers. With a rich history and tradition of music education, European schools have become highly sought-after institutions for aspiring musicians from around the globe. These schools not only offer world-class instruction but also provide students with…

Best Art Schools in Europe Taught in English

Best Art Schools in Europe Taught in English

Europe is home to a rich artistic heritage and has long been a destination for aspiring creatives seeking a quality education. Ranging from classical painting to contemporary multimedia practices, a number of prestigious art schools in Europe offer programs taught in English. This gives students from around the world the unique opportunity to be immersed…

Best Medical Schools in Europe Taught in English
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Best Medical Schools in Europe Taught in English

Studying medicine in Europe has become increasingly popular for international students, especially when it comes to English-taught programs. Many European medical schools offer high-quality education, affordable tuition fees, and an enriching cultural experience for students aspiring to be healthcare professionals. This article aims to introduce some of the best medical schools in Europe offering English-taught…

Best College Admissions Consultants
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Best College Admissions Consultants

Navigating the college admissions process can be an overwhelming experience for both students and their families. With so many factors to consider, from standardized tests to crafting the perfect college application, it’s essential to have expert guidance along the way. That’s where college admissions consultants come in. These professionals have extensive knowledge of the admissions…

Career Quiz

Career Quiz

Find Your Ideal Career Navigating the vast landscape of career possibilities can be an overwhelming experience for anyone. With so many paths to choose from, determining the right one for you may feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Enter our career quiz, a tool specifically designed to provide clarity and insights into…

U.S. Students Seek Affordable Degrees in Europe

U.S. Students Seek Affordable Degrees in Europe

More and more U.S. students are considering studying abroad in order to earn affordable degrees. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of studying abroad, as well as some tips for finding English-taught programs in Europe. One of the main benefits of studying abroad is the cost. Tuition fees in many European countries are…

Should You Study Abroad? Take Our Quiz
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Should You Study Abroad? Take Our Quiz

Deciding to study abroad is a significant life choice, with many potential benefits and trade-offs. There are clear advantages, such as broadening your cultural horizons and improving language skills, that make this opportunity incredibly appealing. On the other hand, the idea of leaving the comfort of your home country can bring up equally significant considerations,…

Where Should I Study Abroad Quiz
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Where Should I Study Abroad Quiz

Find Your Perfect Destination Deciding on a study abroad destination is a significant step that requires careful consideration of various factors such as academic interests, cultural experiences, and financial constraints. With a myriad of countries offering diverse educational opportunities, settling on the perfect place can be daunting. However, we’ve developed an interactive ‘Where should I…

Quiz: What Should I Major In?

Quiz: What Should I Major In?

Find Your Perfect College Major Easily Choosing a college major is one of the pivotal decisions in a student’s educational journey, often influencing their career path and future opportunities. While some students have a clear vision of their interests and career goals, many find themselves uncertain about which academic direction aligns best with their talents…

How to Overcome Culture Shock
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How to Overcome Culture Shock

Effective Coping Strategies for Students Abroad Adjusting to a new culture can be a daunting experience, characterized by a mix of emotions, from excitement to confusion. Culture shock is a typical response to the unknown and refers to the array of reactions and feelings one experiences when living in a different cultural environment. This transition…

Best Film Schools in Europe
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Best Film Schools in Europe

Your Guide to Top Cinematic Education Europe boasts a wealth of prestigious film schools that attract students globally. These institutions are renowned for their rigorous training, diverse specializations, and distinguished alumni. A comprehensive education in film from a European institution exposes students to a unique blend of cultural experiences and storytelling traditions, setting apart European…

Best European Countries to Study Abroad

Best European Countries to Study Abroad

Top Destinations for International Students Europe is known for its diverse educational landscape, offering students from around the globe the opportunity to engage in high-quality education while experiencing rich cultural heritage. Studying abroad in Europe can be an adventurous and enlightening experience, leading to personal growth and improved career prospects. International students often seek out…

Gap Year Programs in Europe
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Gap Year Programs in Europe

Your Guide to a Transformative Experience Abroad Taking a gap year in Europe offers a unique chance for personal growth and learning opportunities unlike any other experience. The continent’s rich history, diverse culture, and multitude of languages provide a great opportunity for educational enhancement, skill development, and cultural immersion. As students and young adults contemplate…

Study in English in Germany
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Study in English in Germany

Best English-Taught Universities in Germany for Germany is recognized as a prime destination for international students seeking quality education in English. With an array of English-taught programs across various fields, students have the opportunity to pursue both undergraduate and graduate studies without the barrier of language. Not only does this reflect Germany’s commitment to internationalization,…

American Universities in Europe
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American Universities in Europe

Getting a U.S. degree at American universities in Europe American universities in Europe provide a unique blend of international diversity and American-accredited education, catering to students from around the globe seeking a U.S. degree outside the United States. These institutions offer a wide array of programs across various disciplines, with courses conducted in English, making…

Best Schools for Engineering in Europe
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Best Schools for Engineering in Europe

Top-Ranked Institutions Revealed Europe has established itself as a hub for engineering brilliance, home to some of the world’s most prestigious institutions. Aspiring engineers from all corners of the globe look to European universities for their advanced educational frameworks, state-of-the-art facilities, and research opportunities. With a rich tradition of academic excellence, these institutions offer a…

Free Universities in Europe
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Free Universities in Europe

An Overview of No-Tuition Education Options Access to higher education is becoming increasingly imperative, and the cost of tuition can often be a significant barrier. Europe stands as a beacon for progress in this aspect, as several countries have laid the foundation for tuition-free university education. These institutions provide high-quality education without the burden of…

Free Colleges in Germany

Free Colleges in Germany

Get Access to Tuition-Free Higher Education in Germany Germany has become a prime destination for international students seeking quality education without the burden of tuition fees. Public universities in Germany offer a wide range of programs, including many taught in English, appealing to students worldwide. This distinctive characteristic of the German higher education system is…

Study Abroad Scholarships & Grants
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Study Abroad Scholarships & Grants

Over here at Beyond the States we help students explore and pursue the thousands of accredited, English-taught college degrees across Europe. The cost of tuition for these programs is famously affordable when compared to the cost of higher education in the US. The average cost of tuition across the spectrum of bachelor’s programs in the…