
English Taught Universities in

Located in Central Europe, Hungary is a landlocked country with a long and diverse history. The country was a Soviet satellite state from 1947-1989 and has been a member of the European Union since 2004. Over time, the small nation of Hungary has accounted for over 20 Nobel Prize laureates. Hungary is a country with many borders. To the east, it is bordered by Ukraine and Romania, while to the south it is bordered by Croatia and Serbia. The western part borders Slovenia and Austria, and to the north is Slovakia. All of these borders make Hungary a great place to travel from. The country is also unique in its location as it is a gateway between Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkan region. The weather in Hungary is characterized by hot summers and cool winters, which sometimes bring snow. Hungary is famous for its thermal waters, known for their medicinal properties. There are bathhouses all over the country. Just two hours away from Budapest is the second largest thermal lake in the world: Lake Heviz. Hungary is an inexpensive place to live and study. Monthly living costs can be as low as €400. In particular, food and drink are very affordable. In fact, you can have a decent three-course meal in a good restaurant for the equivalent of €10. The currency is the Hungarian Forint (HUF), but quite a few places accept euros as well. The Hungarian language is a curiosity because there are few similar languages; its nearest equivalent is, surprisingly, Finnish. English is quite widely spoken, much more so in the cities and among younger people