All Business Administration, Management, and Operations

Business is, by its very nature, competitive. This applies to ideas as much as to institutions: over the years, those theories and approaches that tend to yield good results have driven out those that regularly fail. The body of knowledge we’re left with is highly organized and sometimes even described as a science.​While there are some regional differences in how this is approached, European and American universities are considered to produce equally good graduates, despite the fact that a business administration, management, and operations course in Europe typically runs for 3 years instead of 4. In Europe, students are often required to complete internships as part of their coursework and may well be transferred between campuses in different countries. International experience is generally considered very valuable.​Whichever route you choose, you will receive a thorough grounding in all the basics of business management: accountancy, computer skills, inventory and logistics, marketing, human resources, and much more. Once graduated, you’ll be prepared to accept positions in any of the several different spheres involved in running a business. Alternatively, you may pursue advanced studies in some particular facet or attempt a Master’s in Business Administration in preparation for more senior roles.