All Culinary Arts

The traditional route to becoming a chef is to either enter a dedicated culinary school (with many English-language options available in countries like France and Italy) or serve an apprenticeship and learn on the job. ​Bachelor’s degrees in culinary arts are a relatively recent phenomenon. These may be taken either at a school specializing in training employees for the hospitality sector or, more rarely, at a university that offers a wider selection of elective subjects. A degree typically runs for three years and includes one or several internship placements.​By contrast with a shorter course on cooking and kitchen fundamentals, a bachelor’s degree in culinary arts also teaches some additional subjects in detail. These include entrepreneurship, management, marketing, and public relations.​Students are expected to have at least some skill in the kitchen, with professional experience preferred. Excellent teamwork, time management, and organizational skills are needed, as is a willingness to work awkward hours.