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The grass is always greener on the other side, we're told. This is certainly true for most people during the couple of weeks per year they're able to put their jobs aside. Then, those who can afford to generally leave their homes for trips to sunny beaches, major sports events, historical sites, or in search of adventure.​Tourism professionals' job is to smooth their way. Clearly, this covers multiple activities and fields of expertise: travel booking, tourism business practices, hospitality management, ecotourism, marketing, luxury management, and cultural interchange. Most degree programs give students wide latitude in terms of which electives they can take and what direction they can specialize in.​Whatever job you plan to do, though, exceptional communication and problem-solving skills are a must in the tourism industry. It also goes without saying that a tourism graduate who only speaks English is less valuable than one who's bilingual, who in turn has fewer opportunities than someone who speaks three languages. In addition to the international experience you will gain, developing your language skills is an excellent reason to study tourism in a European country.